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Services Overview


KobeMail's advanced email delivery platform enables our clients to create appropriate messages, target the relevant audience, incorporate the right incentive and deliver the email at the right moment. The platform with its robust features is easy to implement, simple to use, and flexible enough to meet a wide variety of needs. Also, it helps our clients connect with their customers faster, better and more cost-effectively than traditional online marketing efforts.

To accomplish this, KobeMail provides our clients with the following options:

  • Business rules – refine email lists into criteria the campaign is designed to target
  • List management – gives clients the ability to create, store, and adjust mailing lists
  • Curriculums – facilitates the process of creating a complex marketing regiment of chained emails with ease
  • Data Management – imports and exports client data from KobeMail
  • Viral Solutions – allows clients to create referral-based campaigns

KobeMail is a web-based application; hence, our clients require no additional hardware or software to buy/install. With only a web browser and an internet connection, they are ready to start. Due to this, we have the ability to frequently update our platform with new features and improvements, at no cost to our users.


KobeMail tailors to our clients’ needs. In order to do so, we make sure each user is properly connected to our system. Before the email marketing process, each system is reviewed and customized to make communication possible between both parties.

With our API, KobeMail can:

  • Provide security, as well as shield the outside user from any unnecessary complexity
  • Provide outside systems with a very well-defined protocol for accessing our system
  • Allow for outside programmers to implement their own workflow, as well as use our functionality when necessary
  • Enable users to easily leverage their data and seamlessly integrate all of their best-of-breed applications

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Purchase Tracking

Unlike many other marketing activities, email messages can be tracked, giving the client the ability to measure the results of each mailing in real time. KobeMail tracking enables our clients to access various reports based on campaigns. They have the ability to view open rates, response rates, response behavior, click-throughs, conversions, referrals, response and conversion rates in referral bounces, unsubscribes, A/B split impact, etc. We provide real-time feedback on campaign status and response, in order to compare campaigns and see how varying messages perform. The data can be viewed in easy-to-access tables and charts.

By tracking the marketing activities, our clients are able to:

  • Understand customers by measuring and analyzing user behavior with segment, offer, creative, channel or placement
  • Improve user response rates, conversion rates and purchase frequency
  • Link specific customer marketing tactics to derived sales
  • Tier campaigns to market-differentiated levels of products and services
  • Distinguish the success of various marketing strategies to preserve and grow customers
  • Recognize the best impact marketing technique for customers
  • Identify critical decision points in each customer's conversion process

Knowing what works makes our clients' marketing process a success. KobeMail provides users with tools for a lucrative marketing development. The email not only goes through, but KobeMail shows the client how and why.

Reports and Analysis

KobeMail provides unique tracking measures, as well as variety of pre-made and custom reports to explain the results.

With reports, the users can understand:

  • Campaign performance and effectiveness
  • Quality of leads and marketing activity
  • Real-time statistics such as emails sent, received, bounced, forwarded, and unique clicks
  • Landing page conversion rates
  • How bounced emails are broken down into categories, such as hard, soft, blocked and more
  • How to export campaign results for analysis
  • Graphical analysis, using appealing pie charts and graphs

Reports are used as analytical tools, which our clients can utilize to frequently improve the success of their campaigns. Quick feedback gives them the capacity to change their messages easily and test a new approach. By doing so, KobeMail provides users with the means to set a campaign implementation standard, distribute their budget to campaigns that produce the majority of revenue, and develop campaigns that produce a high ROI.

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